One of the headlines below is real, the rest are generated by a text generation model. Try to guess the real headline!
florida man arrested four times, served five years for unlicensed home invasions, stole $480 worth of gum, took two pellet guns from undercover cops, left two loaded semi-automatic rifles in case one breaks down, and shot six
florida man helps amputee up stairs, then returns to build ramp
florida man's car gets stuck in a current and slams into a moving boat
florida man doesn’t pull over his pickup truck for cops because he’s receiving sexual favors from florida woman in passenger seat.
Training data came from scraping headlines from the FloridaMan subreddit. There isn't a ton of data, total about 2000 headlines and I didn't spend any time cleaning or preprocessing due to lack of time. It is very possible there are duplicates, and probably even duplicates in train/test split. But I wanted to get something working quickly and worry about retraining a proper model later.
The model being used is huggingface's GPT-2. There are numerous tutorials on how to get started and how to do traning & inference, and I followed one from the huggingface docs.
The design and operability of this website was modified from a free template offered by Bootstrap. I am not a web developer and this is actually my first site, so I don't claim any credit on the design, look and feel or operability of this site. I give full credit to the Bootstrap developer(s) and a tutorial I followed that showed me how to get started.
The logic behind selecting the headlines and the 'game' aspect of trying to guess the real headline is my own creation. I'm using flask, mongodb and some very rudimentary HTML + CSS.
Incorrect responses means the machine generated model has fooled someone with a fake headline
Correct Responses:
Incorrect Responses:
Things I'd like to integrate:
1. Newer text generation models, or the ability to pick which one to use
2. Scrape more data (or find new sources in which to grab headlines for training)
3. Re-train the model and focus on data cleansing
4. Log additional statistics - present the stats in a better way
This was a fun little personal project for me in which I learned a lot. I'm always looking to improve. Any suggestions are welcome.